54/5000 IceCoBar expands - Discover your nearest IceCoBar

Invest in IceCoBar

Our goal is to democratize IceCoBar investment for everyone. Now anyone who wants to be part of IceCoBar project with great potential for growth, international expansion, can achieve it and be part of our group of shareholders.

IceCobar joins a high profitability business model with an ecosystem of entrepreneurs nationwide.

Upcoming international expansion through Master Franchises.
Preferential financing agreements with BBVA, Sabadell.
We want to expand capital to generate growth of our own IceCobar network, expand the Marketing strategy and our structure.
We will present you investors pitch and financial plan so that you know the investment possibilities in IceCobar. What are you waiting for?
Join the IceCoBar Revolution!
Request more information to opt to be part of a company with a business model in full market trend and expansion continues nationally and soon international.
*In less than 2 business days we will contact you for more information.
Master Franchises
If you are an international investor and you want to opt to develop IceCoBar in your country, find out about the expansion opportunities we offer through Master Franchise.